The Echoing of Fire & Life

The Echoing of Fire & Life

Country: Spain

Runtime: 14m

(Passive Experience – 360 Theater)

The Moors and Christians Festival of Biar recalls the conflict between the Almohads, a Moorish people, and the troops of King James I of Aragon The Conqueror which took place in the year 1245. The festivities began centuries ago and are dedicated to the Virgin Mare de Déu de Gracia. Among its most outstanding acts are “La Entrada” (“The Entrance”) on May 10th, “La Bajada de la Virgen” (“The Carrying of the Virgin”), the lighting of hundreds of bonfires in the mountains surrounding the town, as well as “El Baile de los Espias” (“The Spies’ Dance”) which takes place in the afternoon of May 11th and concludes with the arrival at the castle installed in the main square of the effigy of La Mahoma.

Director Headshot - Judit Samper Albero - Echoing of Fire and Life Director Biography – Judit Samper Albero
Judith Samper has a Master in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and completed her studies at the École des Beaux-Arts in Bordeaux and Complutense in Madrid.

She studied post-production and animation in London and began her audiovisual career in various media in the Canary Islands. She has lived in New York for seven years, where she has specialized in the production and post-production of virtual reality videos and worked on this type of immersive documentary or advertising pieces for companies such as Disney, Google, NASA / ULA and The New York Times, among others.

The Echoing of Fire & Life