warsaw rising

Warsaw Rising

Country: Poland

Runtime: 16m16s

(Passive Experience – 360 Theater)

Warsaw Rising tells a story based on the fate of one of Warsaw insurgents, Capt. Władysław Sieroszewski alias “Sabała”, who received a note with a message from his daughter when he was leaving to fight in the Uprising in August 1944. At the time, he did not know yet that the note would influence his further fate.

Director Headshot - Tomasz Dobosz - Warsaw Rising - FIVARS 2020 Director Biography – Tomasz Dobosz
Tomasz Dobosz, film director, producer and screenwriter, director of Cinematic VR, graduate of doctoral studies in the field of Organization and Management, graduate of the Warsaw Film School, a long-term academic lecturer, co-founder of the VRheroes Film Studio.

warsaw rising