
Munich 72

Directed by:

Matthias Leitner, Eva Deinert






The 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. The games were supposed to be cheerful. But on the 11th day, Palestinian terrorists take members of the Israeli team hostage. The police attempt to free the prisoners fails and ends in disaster. This walk-through documentary traces what happened 50 years ago in virtual reality.

Director Bio:

Eva DeinertEva Deinert is a journalist and innovation manager at Bayerischer Rundfunk. She is responsible for digital pilot projects and develops programme innovations for various specialist editorial departments at BR. Previously, she was online and social media editor in the ARD programme directorate and developed social media strategies for The project she led, “Die Befreiung” – an augmented reality app, podcast and website – was nominated for the Grimme Online Award in 2021. For BR’s Messenger storytelling project “Ich, Eisner!”, Eva Deinert and the project team were awarded the Media Prize Parliament of the German Bundestag, the New Media Journalism Award 2019 of the Austrian Journalists’ Club and the “Special Commendation” of the Prix Europa 2019, among others. Eva Deinert studied German, French and Communication & Media Studies at the University of Leipzig.

Authors & Research: Eva Deinert, Yvonne Maier, Vanessa Schneider, Matthias Leitner, Leonard Bittner, Lukas Graw
Art Director & Concept Design: Annick Buhr
Technical Director: Arne Menzel
Composition & Sound Design: Dagmar Petrus, Helge Schwarz
3D-Modelling & Texturing: Annick Buhr, Arne Menzel

Matthias LeitnerMatthias Leitner is a digital storyteller, UX designer and Scrum Master. He has been head of the Storytelling Lab audience:first for Bayerischer Rundfunk since 2015 and realises programme innovations such as the Messenger project “Ich, Eisner!” or the XR installation “Die Rettung” in the Digital Developments & Social Media department. His current project is the interactive social VR documentary “Munich 72” on the anniversary of the Olympic Games in Munich and the munich massacre. He has received many awards for his journalistic work, most recently for “Ich, Eisner!” with the Media Award Parliament of the German Bundestag 2020 and for “Die Rettung” with the New Realities Award 2020.
