North American Premiere

In-Person Only

Virtual Reality






In 2624, all life on Earth has become extinct. Walker, an android, embarks on a journey to secure humanity’s resurrection on a new planet called Ad-Domus. A robot-drone named Polaris guides Walker through the forest to “Replicator-Alpha”, where the last human D.N.A sample in existence should be installed. During the journey, Polaris tries to convince Walker that bringing humanity back to life is a horrible idea, one with irreversible consequences that will change forever the fate of Ad-Domus.


Yonatan Oberklied

Yonatan Oberklied

My name is Jonathan Oberklied, an MFA degree gradate at Tel Aviv University's Digital Media & Film program. From a young age, I have been captivated by the art of storytelling and the magic of bringing imagination to life through technology. I have always been curious about the intricate process of translating ideas into tangible experiences that can evoke emotions and transcend reality. My ultimate dream has always been to immerse myself in the realm of creation and to craft unique worlds that resonate deeply with audiences.