World Premiere

Online Only

4646 KM

Spherical Video

4646 KM

Directed by:

Louis-Robert Bouchard





From Quebec to Quebec, passing through the Trans-Labrador Highway to the east coast of Newfoundland and returning via Nova Scotia, the film explores the relationship between the body and vast natural spaces—spaces where the trace of human passage is sometimes difficult to perceive, other times almost oppressive. Choreographed by Geneviève Duong, the film features a solo dance by Gregory Selinger, set in remote and hard-to-access locations, places that have never hosted contemporary dance before. We aim to give the viewer the chance to discover these places in an intimate relationship with contemporary dance.


Louis-Robert Bouchard

Louis-Robert Bouchard

Both a professional artist, designer, director, integrator, and technician, Louis-Robert Bouchard has been involved in numerous projects related to the fields of technology, sound, image, and performance for over 15 years, collaborating with various companies, organizations, institutions, and collectives, as well as alongside professional artists in the fields of dance, theater, circus, performance, music, audio art, visual art, multidisciplinary art, audiovisual installation, and research. He has notably worked with Robert Lepage, Édith Patenaude, Marie-Josée Bastien, Jocelyn Pelletier, Hana Abdelnour, Frédéric Dubois, Gilles Arteau, Robert Faguy, Émile Beauchemin, Alan Lake, Le CRue, Geneviève Duong, Daniel Bélanger, Chad E Conception, Catherine Bélanger, Marie-Christiane Mathieu, Jean-Étienne Collin-Marcoux, Isabelle Lapointe, Luke Dawson, Érick D’Orion, Chloé Barabé, Hélène Matte, Simon Dumas, Isabelle Courteau, Thomas Langlois, and Edmé-Étienne, to name just a few. Throughout these collaborations, he has established himself as a reference in the field of experimental multidisciplinary creation, complex video projection, sound spatialization, and interactivity. In parallel with his professional practice, he actively develops his personal practice: as a multidisciplinary artist, he combines technology, music, audio art, video, installation, and performing arts in the context of complex and intelligent multidisciplinary works. He has notably presented his work at the International Video Art Festival in Casablanca, in Mexico, at the PHOS Festival in Matane, at Montreal’s Digital Spring, at TOPO Agency, at FIMAV, at La Chambre Blanche, at the Psychedelic Nights of Quebec, and in various public spaces and small performance venues in Quebec City and Montreal. In 2015, he founded the production company Interférences (, with the mandate to produce works that blend arts and technology, and with the mission to democratize these original and innovative types of works. Through this organization, he has carried out large-scale projects with the support of the Cultural Development Agreement of the City of Quebec, notably his digital graffiti project, and has completed projects for JIQ, the Quebec Winter Carnival, the Morin Center, the Society for Arts and Technology, J-EM Events, and Noctura. He has been recognized for his professionalism, creativity, and boldness—a boldness that has sometimes earned him criticism from journalists and less-initiated clients, but which he continues to believe is the best way to bring this type of creation to the general public.
4646 KM