North American Premiere

In-Person Only

Virtual Reality




“Can we imagine the universe from which we ourselves come as something physical, but at the same time as something virtual?”

To portray the social circumstances of our contemporary society, characterized by a hybrid state of physicality and virtuality, choreographer Howool Baek combines body movement with technology. In BETWEEN_in VR, an imaginary and deeply ‘immersive’ universe emerges in which our body parts such as the hands, feet or navel lead us into an unfamiliar world.


Howool Baek

Howool Baek

Choreographer Howool Baek works on discovering individual body fragments without a face and proposing a different perspective of the body by deconstructing and transforming the body. Through breaking stereotypes about the body, she wants the audience to see society from a different perspective. Lately she has expanded her stage concept towards the digital space, carrying out new artistic experiments to transplant her choreographic method to the digital stage. Her first directed film Foreign body (2022) won the Best Film at Minimalen Short Film Festival - Multiplie Dance Film (Norway) in 2024. And VR film BETWEEN (2023) was awarded the Best Virtual Reality at Digital Media Fest (Italy) in 2023. Director Statement: Virtual reality is a digital stage to me. The digital stage has the charm of being able to transform the human body and movements differently from the real, and of being able to travel across time and space. I focus on working with the unique characteristics of digital space, which is impossible in reality.