World Premiere

Online Only

Spherical Video


Directed by:

Wessel Jurie Albertse


South Africa



Convergence speculates on a dystopian future in Cape Town, inspired by Rosi Braidotti’s convergence phenomenon, at the intersection of the Fourth Industrial Age and the Sixth Mass Extinction. It portrays a world where tensions between humans, technology, and nature reach a tipping point, with rising sea levels, resource scarcity, population growth, economic disparity, and AI autonomy. The film takes viewers on a passive, immersive journey through Cape Town’s landscapes, inviting them to observe and interpret the environment. It reflects on the impact of our current choices and the potential consequences of failing to engage responsibly with nature and technology


Wessel Albertse

Wessel Albertse

Meet Wessel Albertse, a creative human entity from Cape Town, South Africa. By day (and let’s be honest, most nights too), he’s a freelance motion designer and animation director. As an artistic practitioner, Wessel dabbles in the realms of new media and crafts electronic soundscapes. Passionate about music, art, technology, and critical thinking, constantly mixing these elements into unexpected concoctions. Right now, he’s deep into the alchemy of creating audiovisual films and immersive experiences that poke at the mysteries of existence, reality, and whatever’s out there in the cosmic soup.