A quantized spatial grid becomes the stage of wave-particle dualism in which surfaces, lines and particle clouds interact in spherical sound space. FIVARS had a chance to speak with Quantoverse director Marek Slipek.
What led to the creation of this piece?
Exploring dimensions in a virtual space was one of the goals of Quantoverse. My work style is shaped by minimalism and design, even when working in 3D. How little visual information is needed to get the impression of a large hall with an endless space behind it? Within Quantoverse, this giant cube serves as a stage for the interaction between waves and particle clouds.
What was the production process for you and your team? What did you learn?
I changed my Creative Coding tools and programming methods to optimize GPU performance and be able to work with a large number of particles in real-time. This was quite a learning. Using Creative Coding to shape VR and Fulldome content meant to grasp various concepts of mathematical projections. Once I understood, I could develop my own exporting tool for my new environment. The next step was docking into a major conventional program for further conversions.
How did you become an immersive media content creator and why?
I teach Creative Coding at the University of Applied Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. Mannheim runs an excellent planetarium where I got in touch with Fulldome content creation. This initial project in a planetarium, followed by many others, eventually led me to VR projection, as the fundamental idea of immersive media is essentially the same. I have both a scientific and artistic interest in VR/AR.
What is the VR/AR industry like in your region?
There have been quite exciting developments recently in Germany and Europe regarding VR/AR. Live event locations are increasingly popping up in major and fast-forward cities, playing immersive content projected to all walls around you. This is the idea of a cube map in the real world, which is fascinating and impressive.
What do you have planned for the future?
I have started to produce an ambisonic soundtrack. The next creation piece will probably be based on spatial sound and its use in VR and Fulldome, especially when connecting the visual and auditive layers. Do they exist in two worlds side by side, or do they interact, amplifying each other? Sound is what makes immersion genuinely realistic.
What would you like to share with fellow content creators and the industry?
There are so many different approaches to producing content for VR/AR. My own is rather scientific and artistic, using mostly Creative Coding. I understand why some would rather use a program than develop their own, especially regarding production topics and standard procedures.
Still, I like the idea of experimental approaches in general since this is mostly the place where new concepts are born. Keep experimenting, guys, whatever you are up to!
Do you think VR festivals like FIVARS are important?
Yes! VR festivals like FIVARS are very important since they offer a stage for fast-forward projects in new fields of future-minded industry. I appreciate the exchange of ideas and the motivated team behind the scenes.
Quantoverse at FIVARS 2023 runs in person September 15-19th in Toronto and online through October 3rd.