A Ride in 2049 is a transmedia virtual reality experience in which users can travel in a virtual tour of Frankfurt, Chicago and Los Angeles in 2049. Mobility of the future will frame the event as a central theme and show how deeply and comprehensive computer-controlled mobility will shape our cities. Two current questions will decisively shape the life and appearance of our cities in 30 years. For one thing, how much space we give to autonomous vehicles; on the other hand, who programs their algorithms and knows about them. The VR Experience is a journey back in time to the year 2049, where the user gets a first impression and a feeling for the very different visions of the future of real cities in Europe and the USA, which arise from these questions. The film shows what makes the cities what they will be in 2049 – and that we now have the choice.Between VR experience and film, a study examines which feelings and attitudes trigger the visions of the future in the users.
Throw yourself into a time machine to the future. The VR experience “A Ride in 2049“ puts you into the center of real cities, 30 years from now. Journey to scientifically-based future versions of Los Angeles, Chicago, and Frankfurt in the era of taxi drones and autonomous cars. Meet Myra, a future anthropologist (played by: Kristen Bush), as she shows you around and helps you discover: What a ride in 2049 would be like? And what could that mean for our cities?