Camping is a very popular outdoor activity, but due to various reasons, it is not easily enjoyed by people. Now, as long as you wear a VR headset, you can go camping anytime, anywhere, and even experience wonderful things that will never happen in reality. This meditation-like experience should allow you to find inner peace.
The moment you put on the VR headset, you can immediately travel to the snow-capped mountains. You will be alone in the snow, cooking food, playing with sweet toys, feeding small animals… More surprises are waiting for you to explore, I hope you can enjoy this peaceful place that belongs to you.
Director Bio:
Yong Cao is a seasoned professional with 7 years of experience in the field of VR game production. He founded MiniSea Vision Technology in 2016 and has since been making waves in the industry. His 2021 work, “Mind,” was honored as the Best VR Work at the 78th Venice International Film Festival. Yong Cao has also won numerous other accolades, including the Best Visual Design Award at the FIVARS and the Grand Prize at the HP Developer Conference.